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Monday, November 12, 2018


         I live in a Coconut Grove bubble. 90% of the people around me are liberals. They love hugging trees, each other, and Barack Obama. Seldom is heard a discouraging word.
But that's changing.

      The conservatives are getting more vocal, empowered, I suppose, by the President.  Just this morning I was talking to a neighbor by the road. As I stood next to my Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson campaign signs, an older man bicycled by.  When I smiled and waved he growled, "I hate your politics!".
      He was gone before I could invite him in for coffee. 
     A week ago, just before the election, I was getting ready to play softball with my team in Coral Gables.  The right fielder told me, "If that black guy wins (Gillum) I'm leaving the country".  Oh well, many of us were saying the same thing about Trump two years ago. 

      Last Sunday I was admiring the bowls made by the Wood Turning Society at the Fairchild Ramble. Next to me a sweaty large man told others, "Its a crime that the FBI hasn't locked Hillary up.  It's because the FBI is filled with criminals like her.  They want make trouble for our President just because he talked to Russians.  What a crock of sh-t.  It ain't no crime to talk to foreigners. I spoke to a Scandinavian last week.  Should I go to jail?  Damn, it makes me so angry I could pop!

    I was hoping he would pop if that was something that would render him silent.  Having coffee with him was out of the question. I'm sure that would make me pop.

     We had a few victories last week.  Hopefully they will lead to a slow turnabout for this battered country, a chance for everyone to be nice to each other again.


  1. That fellow will pop soon enough...

  2. I don’t ever recall living in such an angry hate filled society. I choose love.
    Even the little one is being called racist names at school.
    Such a disgraceful leader
