Thursday, December 11, 2014


      Last weekend, if you're anything like us,  you visited Art Basel and got "Baseled out" very quickly.

  The gigantic art fair has us enduring endless traffic and crowds every year to watch the 1% shop.
   Does it make sense? 
     This color-changing robot could have been yours for 30 grand.  

  We began by touring "Art Miami".  The huge art-filled tent in Wynwood is a small part of Art Basel.  Being "The Grove Guy", they send me opening night tickets every year.  This means Francesca and I can see some art while watching waiters zipped past holding trays of sushi high  -out of reach- as they mutter, "This is not my area".  We think they carry the same sushi all night -not giving it to anyone- to save money or perhaps it's some kind of performance piece.
Was it worth it?   With everything unaffordable it was a museum experience for us. Also, we got to shop at a dollar store made out of cardboard...including the bathroom.  

Nearby a lady emerged from a banana.

cigar ring mandala

   After we walked through a field of paper bags we walked out the door and headed home.  

   Our house is filled with art.  Maybe we'll give you a tour of our museum someday.

The Grove Guy

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