Saturday, December 13, 2014


Francesca and I have been boycotting the Home Depot in the Grove since it opened 7 years ago.

It is our little protest against the Big Boxes that hurt communities and local businesses.
Still, when something interesting occurs in Coconut Grove, I want you to know...

Tomorrow, you can meet the great warrior, 
Judah the Macabbi in Coconut Grove.

EVENT:  The Home Depot, Sunday,        12-14-14            11 am-1 pm
2999 SW 32nd Ave. 
Coconut Grove, FL 33133

Go there and you can build your very own Menorah as well as Meet Judah the Macabi himself.  You can crush fresh olives to make oil for your Chanukah menorah. 
 It's a free family event.
Everyone is invited to this hands on workshop.  You can have a special Chanukah experience.  Meet the holiday's war hero, Judah the Macabbi (or someone who looks a lot like him).  
  Please don't ask to sit on his lap. 

Coconut Grove is different, there are no lap Santa's here.  We have the butt-kickin' Judah instead.

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