Last summer Rolling Stone published article on the devastating effect that global warning will have on our town. It is easy to find , google "Goodbye Miami Rolling Stone".
I just became aware of it. It is the Halloween made real. South Florida Business Journal's Paul Brinkman commented on it,
If you live in South Florida, please read “Goodbye, Miami” in the latest issue of Rolling Stone.
The article explains the growing predictions that climate change will make our region uninhabitable in a few short decades. As the article says, it's simple: Heat melts ice. As the planet warms, the ice caps are melting. Also, warm water expands, which means the oceans will get exponentially higher if the temperature is rising.
As a journalist, I’ve been trying to explain the risk and growing impact of rising seas here for years. (See my blog “Sea Level Rise: Ultimate South Beach party wrecker?”)
I’m a little jealous of the full-page spreads the magazine devoted to Jeff Goodell’s story. He starts with a creative vision of how a hurricane in 2030 might finally eviscerate South Florida’s economy and civilization. Sparing no flourish, Goodell even describes a manatee swimming in the pool at the Fontainebleau hotel.
Such attempts to jolt the public out of complacency aren't new, but kudos to Rolling Stone for their valiant contribution.
People here are trying to talk about sea level. Oddly, the flow of money into South Florida – which could be used to start real planning for change – seems to distract everyone from caring much about it.
I have a vivid memory of attending a breakfast at a café in Miami Beach last March. A local group was discussing the city’s plans to spend $200 million on storm water upgrades. I thought locals would be calling for more, but in fact they all told me it’s a waste of money because it’s too late.

The Grove Bay property should be converted into a park, a buffer zone for the sea-level problems to come. Vote "No" on Grove Bay November 5th and tell your friends to do the same.
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