With The Orange Loser running the country there is so much to resist. One thing are his efforts to hurt, belittle and tear apart immigrants and their families. In Miami immigrants are everywhere, some "legal", some not. Many do the menial jobs most of us try to avoid.
Do you know anyone that likes doing yard work in the hot summer sun? Lawn service trucks are all over Coconut Grove.
While I do my own yard work, I asked Justo for help three years ago. I needed someone to climb a tall tree to lope off a thick rotten limb. It was much too high for me.
I figured he'd ask one of his sons to do it but with no hesitation, Justo -ten years younger than me- did it himself. He was happy to climb up and crawl out on a limb with a chain saw dangling at his side.
The deadly wire, just off Douglas Road
Justo was also one of millions of hard-working immigrants who we should honor, not vilify. We're in this together. All of us deserve understanding, respect, and basic human rights.
Miami United. How awesome is his simple message of human decency, respect and the recognition that we all contribute in many ways and in many different capacities to make this our proud home.