Last January a million of us marched to the White House, the home of our new, deranged president. Yesterday, a large group of us marched to Miami's closest thing to it, Trump's golf course in Doral.
Both protests expressed widespread disgust with 45's multiple failures as a politician, a leader, and as a decent human being.
The City of Doral is new, big, and boring. It did all it could to make our well-planned, polite protest difficult. We were forced to park a mile away in the far corner of a desolate park. In July-came-early heat Miami Beach commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez gave us a pep talk.
Afterwards we wrote messages to the President on golf balls.
Finally, we began marching in a long line to Trump's place escorted by wary Doral police officers. They did nothing to keep a five-year-old from coming at us repeatedly in a high-powered go cart. Every three minutes he'd loop around and come at us on the sidewalk before veering off into the grass.
When I complained to the city official following us he told me, "His parents have assured me that he is a very good driver". Any other city would have stopped the kid cold. I assume he was the mayor's son.
This young man was proud of the sign he had made. His mother told us that before Obamacare she could not afford help for her autistic son. She is afraid he with lose his Medicaid benefits under 45's health plan.
After trudging through the heat we finally reached the Trump National. We had a grand time chanting things like "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go!", "You're a traitor, you're a spy. You can't stop the FBI" and my favorite, "Pants on Fire, Trump's a liar!".
The protest was produced by the Miami resistance group, Indivisible Miami. They did a great job covering every detail that kept us from being arrested in up-tight, conservative, culture-less, Doral. Their leader, Mike Williams, gave a bucket of our Trump-hating golf balls to one of the golf course security guards. The rest are being mailed to congressional leaders.
March we must; protests are essential. We have more reasons than ever to protect our country from the fascist apprentice. The next protest will take place at Government Center on Wednesday, May 17th, at 12:30 pm. Our "Die-In" will protest Republican efforts to take decent healthcare from the citizens who need it most.
See details on the Progressive Miami Facebook page. Join us if you don't mind being temporarily dead for a good cause.
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