Last month's WOMEN'S MARCH ON WASHINGTON was five times bigger than anyone imagined it would be.
1.2 million women, children (and yes, a few thousand men) stood up to the evil machine that occupies the White House. Twenty-seven thousand of them were from Florida.
The march's huge numbers and unstoppable energy is being channeled into state groups like "Women's March Florida" and our local "March" group led by Coral Gables attorney, Carrie Feit. People who attended the Washington March (and the rally in downtown Miami on the same day) were invited to the march's first "mobilization meeting" in the Grove yesterday.
Over 300 people packed St. Stephens Episcopal Church for the marathon 3-hour event. We heard from the state chairman, Emma Collum, Carrie, and Tallahassee's Lakey Love. Coconut Grove's Ava Seymour had a few words too.
(right) Lakey introduces Ava
At one point we broke out into smaller groups so we could have discussions on threats to civil rights, gun control, immigration and eight other big issues.
The women attending (and the eighteen men) were encouraged to keep working with the Miami-Dade chapter of Women's March Florida as they continue with monthly meetings. Attendees were also asked to join one of the other local groups formed to resist Trump's agenda. Here are four nearby,
1) Progressive Miami- Grove-based, monthly meeting usually at St. Stephens Church (see their FB page). I started this one with a couple of friends and we now have 200 members.
2) Rise Up, Florida! Based in Coral Gables, they meet at Gables UCC monthly. They'll be picketing Rubio's office this week.
3) Downtown Dems, an off-shoot of the local Democratic Party, "the Dems" have their meetings in the Brickell area and sometimes at the Grove Spot restaurant.
4) Indivisible Miami, Meets monthly on the Grove Bookstore patio.
You can get information on any of these resistance groups (including Women's March Miami) by checking their Facebook pages. If you need more information drop me a line, . I'll be happy to help.
As if a three-hour meeting wasn't enough, eight of us followed up the March gathering by going to another meeting. We learned Indivisible Miami was having its third meeting two blocks away, a few minutes after ours ended. This group is new but their enthusiasm is strong and contagious.
Are you unhappy with our country's new direction? You can help stem the tide by joining one of the groups listed above.
The March on Washington is long and
the campaign to "bring back the flame" will continue for years.
I love the space here. I attended an amazing event here and I ate more than I should. I had bread pudding, apple crisp, waffles and strawberries and cream. The main floor at Los Angeles venues is very large and good size without being overwhelming, also there's tons of bar space too to order drinks.