Two-weeks of early voting begins Oct. 24th.
Some people have asked me who (and what) I am voting for. There's a lot to say and a lot on the line. Here are my picks:
I'm with her.
(Note: My wife, Francesca, supports the same candidates mentioned here and the amendment issues as well. I suppose that's one of the reasons we live in the same house)
Francesca and I met Patrick Murphy at the inauguration four years ago. We liked him immediately.
We -and the Miami Herald- support Patrick.
We're crazy about Jose Javier Rodriguez. The Harvard grad, former Peace Corp volunteer and legal services attorney is exactly the type of person we need to keep in Tallahassee. Now he's moving up from the Florida House. Jose is one of the few legislators who have stood up against Big Sugar and FPL. Both of these giants are financing the campaign his opponent, Republican Miguel Diaz de la Portilla. They are causing anti-Jose postcards to fill our mailboxes.
Like the solar amendment, they are deceitful, don't believe them.
Cast your vote for Jose Javier. We know him and, to know him is to love him.
I don't know much about the others. My wife and I support all of the candidates mentioned here and most of the amendments below.
We will be voting for "others" who are Democrats. The Democratic Party best reflects our values and hopes for the future.
We try to consider Republican candidates but find most of them lost in Trump/NRA Land.
It is important for Jose Javier's seat in the in the state house be replaced with a good person. That's the Nick Duran (Dem.) /Rosy Palamino (Rep.) race. Looking at the LWV site, Duran seems to have a decent stance on issues, like supporting gun control. Ms. Palomino did not respond to the League of Women Voters inquiries.
A friend has asked us to add to our list of recommendations the state house candidate for the Gables area, Daisy Baez (Dem.). While her opponent, Republican John Couriel, seems like a good person (eagle scout, Harvard grad), we believe we need more women and Democrats in Florida's troubled state legislature. The LWV website (below) has information on these two and most of the other people running.
ONE (201)
Amendment One is designed to deceive voters. Vote NO on this, the "solar amendment". Do not be fooled by its wording, it is backed by FPL, the Koch brothers, and Florida's other utility companies.
The Miami Herald discovered one of FPL's operatives this week, bragging about how they had created tricky ballot wording in which you vote "Yes" when it is your intention to vote "No". Here's something to explain the amendment further,
TWO (202)
This state amendment would allow marijuana to be prescribed to people who are seriously ill. California has a more lenient version of this in which you can buy ganja to treat everything from a cold and cancer.
Marijuana can ease pain, I'm voting "Yes".
THREE (203)
This amendment will require governor Rick Scott to resign from office immediately,
in my dreams. Okay, what it actually does is exempt first responders from paying property taxes if they are disabled while working. They are described as police, prison guards, firemen, and paramedics. Spouses of responders killed while working already get an exemption. I have no opinion on this. You can get more information below*.
FOUR (244)
Vote YES. This amendment will allow citizens to sue the City of Miami when it fails to follow its own rules (its "charter"). If we had this three years ago, city commissioner Marc Sarnoff would not have been allowed to give Scottys Landing to his developer friends. As it looks now, Scottys will be replaced by a Shula's Steakhouse next year.
This one gives more property tax exemptions to old people with limited incomes. It's hard to argue with that. Again, you can find more information below.
That's it from Palmetto Avenue.
Two weeks of early voting began on Monday, Oct. 24, everyday for two weeks from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Francesca and I voted when they opened the gate on Monday. It's easy and there is no line.
The Grove is voting early in one of the old buildings across from Viscaya. Park in the science museum parking lot. Easy top find, there are signs all over the place.
Sadly, less than 2/3 of the registered votes cast ballots in presidential elections. Happily, most of them are women who have much more sense than their male counterparts.
Please vote and encourage your friends to do the same.
* If you need more information on the candidates and the amendments, go to the League of Women Voters website, .
They do a great job of explaining the ballot, the candidates, and both sides of issues.
The Democrats website has information as well,
To get s SAMPLE BALLOT click on:
For all 30 Early Voting locations click on:
If you need a "Vote Hillary" sign, contact me at
Okay, It's time to,
Right (left) on all counts. Hopefully your millions of fans will heed your advice.
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