Monday, April 22, 2024

                         UP  THE  CREEK


          "All the news that didn't fit into the New York Times or Gainesville Sun".

   This'n starts off up Rattlesnake Creek, the watery wonder that flows through our neighborhood. 



A bunch of us painted Rainbow Bridge once more.  We appreciate all who contributed.

Note the digging debris in the background




We've got new signs to try to keep "the diggers" at bay (the outsiders who illegally dig up our creek and creek banks in search of fossils).

Below you see what the creek banks look like when they're left alone.






and here, when they're attacked with picks and shovels.

    Everyone in Gainesville lives close to wild places. In our 'hood it's Rattlesnake Woods.  Let's enjoy and preserve the nature around us for generations to come.

Diggers be gone.

    The city is deepening Hogtown Creek west of NW

22 St. I guess this will make it easier to take summer dips in the creek's pristine street run off.




140 people -and five dogs- came to our UPNA (University Park Neighborhood Association) neighborhood picnic in the Parker Park pavilion two weeks ago. 



Events like the Halloween parade and our two annual picnics give neighbors a chance to enjoy each other.


Paul Ortiz telling it like it is.  He and Sheila will be moving to New York's Cornell University this summer.  It's a big loss for the UF which seems to slowly becoming a no-diversity-allowed, Bible-based institution.
Dave grabs the last piece of raspberry pie
Our dear friends Gaurav and Alpa

One woman contributed $100 saying, "UPNA saved me when the college kids' parties next door were driving me batty".   We say, "we're neighbors helping neighbors".



Foxes and a coyote were spotted in Florida Park this month.  Don't let them eat your cats.  Keep your cars locked at night too. Otherwise the Midnight Creeper will be checking for spare change.



The Lynx Book Store has its grand opening on
Saturday along with its neighbor,
Grand Scheme Brewery. Visit both, enjoy a beer and a book at the soon-to-be gem, South Main Station. It's where SW 6th meets Main, just north of Depot Park.


Few people take advantage of the outstanding live music that shows up on the UF campus.  We heard the amazing Johnathan Scales Fourcestra perform twice last week.





It burns me up when people portray immigrants as bad people. Hear the pop-pop-pop of air-nailers installing your neighbor's roof? 


See the men digging hundreds of holes to install the new orange cable pipe all over town? 


 Take time to thank the men who dig our holes


I spoke to them. They came from Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua because life was intolerable there. They're doing the hard work the rest of avoid. They should be thanked and thanked again.







It came and went with a few meaningful events last Saturday.  We attended the Sustainability Festival at the farmers market on north 441.  The vegetable plants we bought will help sustain Francesca and me.

G'ville's second annual water festival in Depot Park

wasn't anything to brag about. Few people attended.  Booths were mostly selling stuff like Kayaks and summer camps.

When my King Mango friends put on the world's first water festival 20 years ago we actually had water to enjoy (and there was a lot to brag about).

   Our antique sprinkler exhibit sprayed anyone who got near. Yes, we had colored water fights, a mermaid competition, water music, and ice sculpture demonstrations as well.  Hungry? We served shaved ice.  Thirsty? Our water bar featured 18 varieties including melted iceberg. 

We celebrated water and made it fun.  The Gainesville festival should have more of that too.


Next, we enjoyed a water-themed art exhibit at the Cade Museum.  It included a painting by our friend, Maple Canner.  It depicts the lotus flowers that pop up on Payne's Prairie every year. Here are a few other entries,

"Woman Watering At The Villages"
Illuminated glass  mosaic



Our favorite Earth Day event had to be the Trashin' Show at the Re-Purpose Project on NW 23d.



   Girl Scouts, Brownies, and their leaders strutted their stuff wearing newspapers, bottle caps, and yellow soda straws.

Madison's blueprint dress and leader Celia Herrell's soda straw design


Taliana went Hawaiian






"Going Places", created from maps









This show had a monopoly on originality











It was perfect, lookin' good for Mother Earth.

Let's preserve this planet so these kids, and their kids, can enjoy it.






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