Saturday, September 12, 2015


   Francesca and I had a great time touring downtown's Olympia Theater today. The one-hour journey took us from the balcony, to the basement, then backstage.  We stood where Elvis stood melting young hearts 62 years ago. 

 The theater has starlight in the ceiling and small Italian towns protruding from the walls. 
 Few of these fantastic, ancient movie houses are left. 

  Why not see this one.
There are three tours manana (Sunday: noon, 1:30, and 3 pm).  If you're in Miami, you should consider it.  More about the Olympia (a/k/a the Guzman Theater) tours at      
      It's on Flagler Street its just a block and a half south of one of our favorite eateries, the Bali Cafe.

   We walked there for a lunch then sauntered

over to Bayfront park to work it off at trapeze school.



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