Thursday, July 31, 2014



"Quit your job and hit the road", good advice for those of us who suffer from wanderlust.  I wrote a blog on how to do it by converting a minivan into a rolling home.  

 It's the most popular thing I've ever written. 

   Most of my posts (I've written over 400) are read by a couple of hundred friends. The one I wrote three years ago on how I turned our Toyota Sienna into a camper has gotten over 60,000 hits. It's at, .

       I often get  questions from readers and am happy to respond.  I started hearing from Dave and Meg Ronsman six months ago.  They were in the process of converting a Honda Odyssey.  Since then they quit their Wisconsin jobs and are on a four-month tour of the West.  As we're on the road ourselves, we were able to catch up with them in Berkeley, California.
  The Ronsmans are a delightful couple excited by their new adventurous life. Their rig looks great, a lot like ours. 
      After touring the Golden State they're heading to Canada.  You can follow them at  Their blog has tips on road warrior necessities and cheap camping (see:   
     The road is waiting and used vans are cheap.    When you're ready for the gypsy life let us know.
 Dave, Meg and I will be happy to help.