socially-distant visit. It wasn't to difficult as they carried their fabulous "Fauci Box" with them.
Photos can be deceiving. Gray actually has two legs, a big help in keeping ahead of the Coronavirus.
Asking, "What would a long-distanced driving Dr. Fauci do?", they are traveling with a food-filled ice chest and their own invention, a "Fauci Box".
It contains nearly everything you need to stay free of the C-19, the plague that killed 256 Floridians today (Thanks Governor Desantis. We know it could have been worse).
Our guests' cardboard container held many gloves, hand sanitizer, spray sanitizer, wipes, and extra masks. The compass was optional.
On his belt Phil wore another clever creation, a retractable rag for opening doors. The blue fabric holstered on his mid-section could be a new Corona fashion trend.
Now, if they can figure out how to transform their ice chest into a toilet, they really can travel worry-free. It's what we did in the good ol' days, six months ago.