Thursday, December 12, 2024

UP THE CREEK, December, 2024

                                 THE LATEST NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS

                 From Florida Park and Rattlesnake Creek

    Hooray, the holidays are here again. Florida Park and the rest of Gainesville are lighting up their front yards and making merry.

I attended last Saturday's Christmas parade presented by the City of Gainesville and Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut.  It was a big event, fun for everyone attending.


         Now make plans to attend the incredible Flying Pig Parade

Our poster artists, Heidi Stein and Jan Adkins
 on Saturday, Dec. 28th.  If you want to be in it, let me know.  Florida Park puts more people and energy into our porcine procession than any other neighborhood. 

        The parade begins at 2 p.m. followed by the Bo Diddley Birthday concert from 3 to 4. 


The gospel/R&B group, the "D.R. Band" will perform.  We will sing to Bo (now in Heaven) and share delicious cake from The Vine. 

      The Hippodrome Cinema is getting into the swing of things by showing a weird movie at 4:30, "Santa's Mars Adventure".

We've got three new giant puppets joining us. We thank neighbors Ward Shelley, Lee Malis, and Julie Thaler for being serving on our puppet committee. 

Emily Robbins and her daughter, Clara, have just volunteered to be our country's new Miss America, "Miss Information" and first runner up, the Princess of Prevarication.

Gregg Jones, now starring in the Hippodrome's production of "The Christmas Carol", will again serve as the parade's emcee.

We still need someone to play the man who will be in charge of our country's health system, RFK Jr.  We've already got the dead bear and brain worm.

No, I can't do it.  Someone has to fly the plane.



This year's t-shirts look great and make wonderful Christmas presents. Let me know if you need any.  They're 100% cotton and 15 bucks.  Profits help pay for our post-Christmas procession.


Do not buy Home Depot's "Star Box Light" for your grandchildren like we did.  When we looked carefully at the package after returning home, it read, "WARNING: looking directly at laser light can cause blindness". Real stars don't do that.

       Maybe a lost wallet finder should be on your list. When I misplaced mine last month I went absolutely nuts for two days.  I was a half-hour from leaving to have my picture taken for a new driver's license when I FOUND IT!  I was unbelievably happy, so thrilled my wife quipped, "I should hide it more often".

   Want to give art?  Our neighbor, retired UF ecologist Susan Jacobson, has some of her work displayed this month in the Simed Healthcare lobby. What a talent she is!



   We attended the Sierra Club's holiday celebration at the Matheson Museum last week. City

Commissioner Bryan Eastman received the Gopher Tortoise Award for helping to lead our city's effort to return control of our city-owned GRU utility system. Afterwards there was a fund-raising auction. The items included a bow and arrow, a tractor seat, and a box of fertilizer.



I spoke with the workmen re-modeling the former Sweet Dreams ice cream store at NW 13th and 16th Ave. They told me it will become "a pizza joint". "Satchel's West?" I asked.  They laughed and said, "No, it'll be part of a some chain". They didn't know which one.


Visits to Saturday's farmers market on north 441 are always a delight.  You talk with real farmers and purchase fresh, healthy food.  There was nothing political about it until last week when a creepy guy showed up with big signs.

   I guess we should prepare for more of this. We've gotta do our very best to hold back the forces of darkness. As one friend wrote  "If we do not, our book stores, bohemian coffee shops and pride flags will vanish, replaced by boiled peanut stands, fireworks advertising, and more MAGA lawn signs.”



     The men's group at the United Church of

Gainesville celebrated its 46th annual Squirrel Pie Luncheon last Friday.  22 fellas who enjoy a taste of "the wild" attended the somewhat solemn affair decorated with assorted
This guy didn't eat as he was already stuffed.
furry rat art.  

   It all began in '76 when a cat killed a squirrel in the church patio.  Someone who was familiar with eating rodents offered to turn it into meal. Thus began this grand Gainesville tradition. 


This year's pie was actually a casserole.







     I noticed that night club crooner Jack Jones died recently at 86. I had a brief moment with him once.  He came to the UF to sing in 1968. 

I was the guy who painted the big banners that hung over the stage with the name of Jack, the Hollies, or whoever else was performing that night.

    My ego got the best of me that week as the banner said, "the IFC presents JACK JONES!"  and under it I painted, "Artist: G. TERRY" much too big.

     My monthly job got me $25 and front row tickets. After Jack Jones came out and sang his first song he looked up at my sign and said, "What's with that? His name is almost as big as mine...and what does the "G" stand for...God?".



     I love December with its holiday events and light-a-fire weather. Enjoy the rest of it, especially the festive parade with  giant puppets, Miss Information, and the guy with brain worms.




Tuesday, December 10, 2024



         The City of Gainesville staged its second annual Christmas parade last Saturday. I saw it from the staging area, where everybody lines up an hour before it begins. I was there to recruit groups worthy to be in our Flying Parade which marches in three weeks.  

       I witnessed a well-produced holiday event that's pretty much like every other city's Christmas parades.  It consisted mostly of people waving from vehicles. A few groups were on foot and an incredible group of Black cowboys rode lively horses.

       Being a parade guy, I'm always intrigued by how local events are financed.  The city makes it very difficult to see budgets for events they produce.

     This parade probably cost over $100,000 to produce.  The city raised that much getting corporate sponsors to donate large chucks of money. Yesterday's Mainstreet News pointed out that some of the donors gave over $10,000 (Cox Communications and UF Health) and others gave less (like the city's housing authority, The Children's Trust, and our airport).

     None of their sponsors contribute to The Pig (I've tried) perhaps because we surprise people with our dancing dinosaurs, peace protests, and book-banning babes.  Whatever. We get donations from pig parade fans. The city and county also give us grants as we bring bring 2000 people downtown to spend $ and to have a good time.

     I took a few photos on my Saturday scouting trip.

The after-school care group, "The Bulls". I invited them to march with us on December 28th.

The delightful Freak Island Clown Band who have already signed up to march again in "The Pig"

This percussion group was great. Unfortunately they won't be around three weeks from now

I invited these Colombian dancers but as UF students, they return to Miami for Xmas.

This parade was filled with vehicles representing its commercial sponsors. I offered to let Morgan & Morgan to join the Flying Pig if they also donated $5000 and added to their sign, "Let us turn your crash into cash!".  They said they'd think about it.

Many of the groups were kids or seniors waving from decorated trailers or truck beds. They had a great time.

The parade's grand marshal, Shaq O'Neil, waved from the bow of this huge boat.

Vivian Filer was an honored guest.  She will be honored again as the grand marshal of our Dec. 28th parade.


 What would this procession be without Miss Gaineville and Miss Ocala?  

I'm trying to find someone to be America's new queen, "Miss  Information", in the piggish parade.  Know anyone up for that?  I've got a spare tiara.

Patrick and his family will ride their bike boat in The Pig representing the Urban Yacht Club.

     Again, it was a long parade, mostly vehicles, rolling along quickly. The last part consisted of cool old cars, a city bus, a garbage truck, a GRU repair truck, and a huge fire truck containing Santa Claus. Some kids like big trucks, I guess.

   They are not allowed in the porcine procession. We are non-commercial and people-powered.

     Again, it was a very good holiday parade but one very different from the ones I've produced (the King Mango Strut and the one about pigs that fly).  I'm glad we have one of each to enjoy this month.
