Wednesday, February 21, 2024



    Four days ago I had a long conversation with my friend, Doug Mackey. We joked about his heart operation coming up on my birthday (yesterday, February 20th). I assured him he'd do fine, that nothing bad ever happens on the day I was born. 

       I was wrong. His wife just called to tell me he died a few hours ago,  "Complications", she said.    

      Doug and I had a lot in common. Friends in Miami, we both moved up to G'ville just before Covid.  Sharing a bent sense of humor he'd help with my parades and other projects.


Just last December he was the "Silenced Professor" in the Flying Pig Parade. A year before that he wore the nine-foot puppet in our "Dr. Fauci Look-Alike Contest". 





The 76 year-old retired educator died, I suppose, surrounded by medical personnel. His wife, Anna, was nearby in a waiting room hoping for good news.

       That's all I know.  My friend is gone and the silenced professor will speak no more. 
