Wednesday, February 1, 2023


     Yesterday was the 52d anniversary of the Winter Soldier Investigation. That's when 300 Viet Nam veterans gathered in Detroit to tell the world what was really going on in that tragic war.

   Their testimony helped end it.

    Gainesville's Scott Camil was one of them. His personal account stood out because it was so  detailed and graphic. The UF student's experience there helped transform him into the anti-war activist that he is today.

    Scott was our guest at a front yard forum last night. Our main topic was "how can we resolve conflict without violence?".




    My Hialeah High School classmate saw a lot of it in 'Nam as a Marine infantryman. Scott recounted,

"The fire fights weren't the worst, it was slogging through the jungles everyday wondering if a mine was going to blow off your legs ... or those of your buddy next to you".

     Scott came home after 20 months of combat. His 13 medals included two Purple Hearts. The former member of "The Gainesville Eight" is married, has

three kids, and has been President of the local chapter of "Veterans For Peace" since 1987.

    We were proud to have him leading our  platoon last night.

