Saturday, January 29, 2022


     It'd be a sin to defecate in the Great American Desert. That's why I invented the world's smallest portable potty.

    The size of a notebook, you can take anywhere that nature calls. Think of it as a bathroom you can keep in your backpack. 

     This project began with  a common campsite accoutrement, the simple folding step stool.



    Staring at mine two summers ago I realized I could turn it into a toilet, a skinny-mini porto-potti.



My wife and I were camping in SE Arizona with no one around. 

 Francesca took the dog for a walk

while I tried out my tiny toilet. 



    I was in one of the most open,  beautiful places on Earth but the darn thing could have worked in the privacy of our camper van as well.

      My portable privy started out as a twelve-dollar step stool. I realized if you flipped it over and added a plastic bag it became a nifty trash can. 








 Pondering further possibilities, I thought, "In a pinch I could sit on this thing and relieve myself!".

      I fashioned a plywood toilet seat that fit snugly on top. 









Yes, it's better suited for a six-year-old but in a pinch, in The Great American Desert, it worked for me.











I would like to thank this project's chief photographer, Francesca, for taking on this assignment.



This could be the world's most spectacular camping spot. 
Can you find "Goldie", our camper van?