Here are portraits I took of a few Burners. Their wearable art was a big part of the show.
Taking these shots? Generally I'd say "hello" and ask permission. Not so much for the sleepers.
Enchanted by the Tree of Life
Ian, about to board the bus
Aboard the Dragamuffin mutant vehicle
Camp Abraxis senior costume designer, Bobcat, aboard the Dragamuffin
Sometimes it was too hot for costumes
Forever Young- Our camp had a very friendly teenager, Josh, who told us his mother was camping nearby. We later learned he was 33.
This fashionisto has been a hit at the BMan fashion show for years.
Voted the show's "Most Amazing", Gayle Maccia
Lena, our new Iraqi friend, had her own mango fashion show.
One of the many photographers.
The Grove Guy assisting at the performance stage which featured eco-evangelist, "Reverend Billy", and Hal, the fashion show's legendary master of ceremonies.
Airport shot- Going home was happy/sad